Current limitations of NSFW Character AI: The accuracy rate is a big problem. Most platforms such as Instagram or Twitter generally report that their AI is 90-95% accurate, but this in turn means millions of hurtful posts slip through the cracks daily. In 2021, for example, The Verge reported that Facebook was still struggling to keep borderline content on a leash.
Another key limitation is context understanding. EN Character NSFW AI still works on keyword or image (script) recognition and it misunderstands a lot of context. It can also produce false positives where innocuous content, such as medical images or education materials being red-flagged. With the volume of photos being categorized on a daily basis at this rate, it is easy to see how millions photographs can end up in the wrong category.
The data that is fed to these AI systems may also be biased. In 2022, MIT research showed that different AI models tend to flag more content generated by certain demographic due to the distribution of biased training data. For example, TikTok came under fire in 2020 for overflagging creators of color and these instances mirror the limitation we saw in AI design to encompass Data Diversity.
Expense continues to be a significant obstacle. An efficient NSFW AI system needs a lot of investments being spent in its development and the investment does not stop here. Thousands if not millions of dollars a year at companies like Google or Facebook go into these systems, where as for anyone without that cash on hand the grandiose statement they could be is moot. The cost to initially create a high-quality AI model can be over $1 million, creating an insurmountable barrier for startups or smaller platforms to take advantage of these advances in technology.
What’s more, anonymous NSFW AI lags behind shifts in user-generation content. This year, Reddit saw a spike in new slang and memes (likely popularized by the explosive growth of users from Facebook groups) that caused its AI to totally blow it (letting 20% more of the naughty stuff through mods).
Last but not least, privacy concerns are still high. People find it creepy to think of AI as reading their content all day long. One of the reasons why these systems has not be fully adopted yet is due to privacy problem and a survey which was done in 2023 by Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) among social media user showed that 42 % were worried about AI invading their privacies.
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